Sunday, March 23, 2008


Yeah, so this whole post-every-day in March thing? I pretty much bit the dust on that. Oh well. Life happens, I guess.

At the moment, I am sitting on my couch, groaning every time I have to move. See, I joined a soccer team. I LOVE soccer. Soccer was pretty much my life during high school, and I played for a couple years in college, as well. However, until yesterday, it'd probably been a good 4 or 5 years since I even touched a soccer ball. So I joined a team in the Sonoma County adult soccer league, and we had our first game yesterday. It was a total BLAST! But today, I am feeling pain in places I didn't know you could feel pain. My left shoulder and back are especially hurting. We played on artificial turf that I found to be a bit slippery and I took one really spectacular fall, hitting the ground hard enough with my left shoulder that it is PURPLE today. Really. I took pictures, but unfortunately, I can't post them, as I lost the picture download software for my camera with my computer crash a couple weeks ago and I can't find the install disks. (And Canon wants to charge me for a replacement -- bastards!) In the same fall, my head hit the ground next, and so I also have some lovely turf-burn on my left temple. That was pretty cool -- I now know that it's not just in cartoons that people see stars when they get hit in the head.

In other words, I look like I am incredibly hardcore today, until I open my mouth and start whimpering from the pain :-)

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